-Weather & Holidays-
The gym & studio follows the Texarkana I.S.D. holiday & bad weather schedule.
If the weather improves during the day, please call the office or check our Facebook page.
Regular attendance is of the utmost importance in any student’s progress. Being on time for class is an
act of courtesy & is extremely important, especially to gymnastics & ballet class, as the beginning
exercises are essential in warming up properly. Also, arriving late disturbs the class already in session.
There will be make-up classes during the that your child missed a lesson. No make-up classes can
be carried over to the next month. NO dance make-up classes are offered. The monthly fee is the
same whether your child attends one or all classes. Please note that by enrolling in a class you are
paying for that child’s spot in the class not how many classes you attend. It is important that you notify
the office by signing our drop from in person if your child will not be able to continue the class; otherwise, you will continue to be billed for classes until the drop form is signed because we will continue to consider students enrolled.
In order that student’s studies may be both profitable & pleasant, please observe the studio &
gym rules. If you find that your child is losing interest at anytime during the year, it will help to come
to the office and discuss the problem with our office manager. If you feel that you need to talk
to me personally please leave a message in the office and I will try to return your call as soon as possible.
-Tuition & Late Fees-
Tuition Policy- There will be no reduction in tuition fees for missed or dropped classes.
Missed classes may be made up. All classes must be dropped in the office.
TUITION IS NON-REFUNDABLE. Classes have been adjusted yearly to allow for National and
School Holiday closings. All tuition is due on the first day of each month. A $10.00 late fee will be
assessed to all accounts past due after the 6th of each month even if the gym is closed for a holiday.
-Special Notes-
You receive a 5% discount on tuition paid by the semester. Spring semester is January- May.
Fall semester is September-December. Summer semester is June-August. You receive a 10% discount
on tuition paid by the year. Please be aware before paying tuition by the year or semester
that we have a “NO REFUND” tuition policy.
Registration fee : $40.00 for one child, $70.00 for 2 children and is non-refundable and due at the time of registration.
Annual registration is due September 1st.
Annual recital fee: $60.00 and is non-refundable
No refunds on regular tuition or any other payments made. A credit may be made to your account.
Credits may not be transferred to another family’s account.
Children may arrive a maximum of 15 minutes early and must be picked
up no later than 15 minutes after class is over.
Private classes are available. You must consult the office to schedule your appointment.